iPad - To claim your allowance on the iPad you just need to tap the envelope in the right hand corner of the top bar. A drop down menu will appear with the messages in your inbox. You can click 'Accept All' to claim your allowance.
Your Daily Allowance will be added to your account automatically after claiming. To claim your Daily Slots Free Token, click on the yellow Boom Bucks coin with green arrow (on the top bar), to start playing.
iPhone - To claim your allowance on the iPhone, there is a drop down menu in the top right hand corner. If you have any messages it will show a number. Click on it and your inbox messages will appear. Click 'Accept All' to claim your allowance and accept any other messages you may have.
Your Boom Buck allowance will be automatically added to your account. To claim your Daily Spin you will need to select the Menu tab > 'Open Profile' > 'Items' > and then tap on your Daily Slots Free Token and click play. The Daily Slots game were pop up for you to play.
Sometimes you may receive a special gift from Boom. On both iPad and iPhone you will claim the gift from your inbox the same way you would for your allowance. Depending on which device you are using, you will need to do the following to open your gift.
iPad: Click on your profile picture in the top left hand corner, select the 'items' tab. You will find a gift box in your inventory. Click on the gift box and open to receive your gift.
iPhone: Click on the menu tab > 'Open Profile' > 'Items' > and then select the gift box in your inventory to open it and receive your gift.
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