Is there a way to make the video bigger?
You can make the video full screen by double clicking/tapping on the video. Most internet browsers also support a full screen mode. You can access it by pressing F11 on your keyboard.
Can I change the quality of the video?
Yes. In the bottom right hand corner of the video feed, click on the 3 lines and you can change between High, Medium and Low video quality. The video feed will automatically play on Auto which provides you the best quality of the video stream depending on your internet connection.
Please note that the High Quality is not available to all players.
What is the camera icon in the bottom corner of the live video?
By clicking the camera icon, you can toggle between graphics only mode and live video mode. Graphics only mode helps if you do not have a high speed internet connection. At this time the camera icon is only available in Boom Bingo, Boom Bingo 2 and Boom Bingo 3 is graphics mode only.
I don’t want to play the sound on the live video. How do I turn it off?
In the bottom right hand corner of the live video there is a sound icon. Click on the sound icon and it will be turned off when there is a red line striking through it.
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